Extend the life of your flagpole with maintenance
Flagpole inspection and maintenance is important for keeping your flagpole looking good and your flag flying high. It’s even more important to ensure the integrity of the flagpole remains and it presents no safety risk.
The Intrack team completes routine maintenance for many of our corporate flagpole and council customers. However, as we have many residential and small business customers, we’re often asked for self-managed flagpole maintenance tips.
To maintain your flagpole, every six to 12 months:

Routine maintenance can prevent severe damage and breakdown of neglected flag poles.
- Inspect the foundation and base
- Check the pole for signs of bending, fatigue, wear or weakness
- Check halyards for signs of fraying, abrasion or weakness
- Check the fittings
- Lower and clean the finials to remove all dust and dirt build up
- Check the rotating arms
- Take down flags in wind exceeding 65 km/h
A word on flags
We don’t sell flags, but since we do engineer, fabricate, install flagpoles, we do know a few things about flags. For example, we know flags need maintenance, too.
- Lower your flag when high wind is forecasted. Weather events, particularly wind events, impact your flag.
- Lower your flags at night. You don’t have to worry about watching for weather changes.
- Watch the corners for wear and fraying. Repair as soon as you notice it to prevent further damage.
- Ensure your flag flies freely without contact to tree branches, buildings or other objects.
- Routinely wash your flag in warm water.
- Always dry your flag completely before storing.
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